Home Business Tips to Select Can Seamer Manufacturers

Tips to Select Can Seamer Manufacturers

by Yasir Asif
Can Seamer

Whether you’re a craft brewery or pet food company, you need your can lines to run smoothly. Choosing the right can seamer manufacturers can make a big difference.

Seamers are designed to seal specific product groups in a range of can sizes. So, selecting a machine that can handle your expected workload is vital.


The can seamer machine is a highly specialized piece of machinery that requires expert handling and care. It is important to take the time to select a can seamer manufacturer that offers high-quality machines to reduce the risk of expensive downtime and loss of production.

The seaming process deforms the metal layers of the can body and lid to create a hermetic seal. The first operation seaming rolls bend the metal layers, forming hooks that join the ends of the can body and lid to form a single hermetic seal without leakages or wrinkles.

The chuck, or can seamer head, is the instrument that holds the can in place as the sealing process takes place. A defective chuck can lead to an incomplete seam or a cut seam, which is a serious defect that compromises the safety of the contents. To avoid these defects, the chuck must be cleaned and inspected regularly. The chuck should also be removed from the can when it is finished seaming to prevent damage.


When you choose the right can seamer, it will be backed by a warranty. Be sure to read the fine print so you can understand what is covered and for how long. This can help you avoid any costly repairs down the road.

Seamers are designed to close specific product groups, so you must be definite about the types of products you plan to manufacture. For instance, smaller consumer size cans require a different Seamer than larger catering sized cans. You also need to consider the shape of your cans – round or irregular shaped?

Can seamers work best when they are used with products that are ready to be sealed. That means the cans should be clean and free of debris, pre-filled and properly sealed with lids. In addition, you must check and maintain your can seamer on a regular basis to keep it running smoothly. This can include checking the alignment of the machine and keeping it lubricated.


The can seamer is a specialized machine that seals the lid or end of a can, creating an airtight and leak-proof seal. It is designed to accommodate a variety of container sizes and materials. It is also important to consider the volume of production you need when selecting a machine.

Can seamer machines can help to improve the quality of your canned products and increase productivity. They are more reliable than manual sealing methods and can reduce labor costs. However, they can be expensive to purchase and may require long lead times.

Fogg Filler Company offers a range of top-of-the-line manual and semi-automatic can seamers and other packaging line equipment including fillers, caps, victimizers, and pasteurizers for liquid and dry products. They also offer training and technical support services. These include can and lid supplier training, onsite can seamer set ups, tooling changes, defect inspection and related metrology, and double seam inspection and analysis. They are committed to delivering top-quality equipment with low maintenance and operational costs.


Performing preventative maintenance is crucial to keeping a canning line running smoothly. This includes everything from lubricating the bearing blocks that control the seamer arms to cleaning the conveyor parts. This maintenance can be costly and time-consuming if not performed regularly.

It’s also important to choose a supplier that offers training and support for their products. This can reduce the amount of unscheduled downtime and help you avoid operator errors, which are one of the leading causes of machine breakdowns.

A good Can Seamer should be able to seal the can with minimal leakage. A leaking seam can cause spoilage of the product and even botulism in some cases. Also, it can increase the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) pickup, which degrades shelf stability and flavor. The can integrity is most vulnerable at the double seam, so a good Can Seamer should be able to minimize or eliminate DO pickup as well as ensure the can’s double seam is tight and free from wrinkles.

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