Home Business A Guide for Car Repair & Maintenance in Dubai

A Guide for Car Repair & Maintenance in Dubai

by Uneeb Khan

Your automobile is more like a member of the family than an inanimate thing of worth. It is important for taking care of your car, particularly in Dubai’s terrain. To take proper care of your car, you don’t have to be a technician. But where do you begin? Who better to respond than Meta Mechanics, the top car service in Dubai? Here are a few tips for keeping your automobile up and gliding for a long period.

Examine the Owner’s Handbook

Before following car maintenance instructions, you should examine the user handbook first and foremost. This section includes detailed information on your vehicle. Your car’s owner’s handbook offers important maintenance and functional information.

It contains critical information such as how to best care for your specific vehicle when to inspect or replace vehicle components, how regularly to repair your vehicle, what grade of lubricant to use, and much more.

Security, child safety, keys, remote control, specifications, gasoline and refueling, driving assistance, automotive maintenance, and other information are likely to be included in the user handbook.

If you want to learn more about your car, treat the owner’s handbook like a precious treasure. You’ll be surprised to learn that many problems, such as changing a flat tyre, unlocking a locked door, or installing a baby seat, may be solved simply by checking the owner’s manual.

Check the Pressure in Your Tyres

Tyres are one of the components that keep your car moving. Over time, inadequate tyre pressure may cause premature tyre wear and tear, as well as tyre breaks. It is vital that the tyres be properly inflated.

You can now check your own tyre pressure using simple, low-cost tools. Use them in conjunction with visual examinations for cracks or objects trapped on the outside of the tyre. Check the air pressure in your tyres once a month using the same tyre gauge. Test it out:

  1. Insert the little dot or bead on the back of the tyre pressure gauge into the center of the valve stem of the tyre. The air seeping from the tyre should be audible.
  2. Using the gauge, check the tyre pressure.
  3. Continue until you’ve expended enough air to reach the correct pressure.
  4. As you get closer to the target psi, release smaller and smaller amounts of air until you achieve it (pounds per square inch). 
  5. In the case of wheel alignment, you need professional help. You can consult with Meta Mechanics for better wheel alignment.

Replacement of Oil and Oil Filter

The blood of your automobile is oil. Oil and Oil pressure are critical factors for analyzing lubrication and performance changes. They can be measured during driving. In other words, it keeps everything running smoothly. Lubrication is necessary to ensure that these components work correctly and that an automobile runs smoothly.

Oil lubricates moving components while also absorbing frictional heat. An oil filter replacement, on the other hand, keeps the oil clean and pollution-free. By following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance intervals, you can extend the life of your vehicle and save hundreds or thousands of dirhams. Here’s how to replace the oil and filter on your car:

  1. Locate the oil drain plug in your vehicle’s owner’s manual and thoroughly drain the old oil.
  2. Replace the oil plug and remove the oil filter as directed in the owner’s manual.
  3. Before installing the replacement oil filter, it must be lubricated with fresh oil.
  4. Now add some new oil. Make sure to only use the recommended amount of oil for your vehicle.
  5. Replace the cap and turn on the engine. This will help you locate leaks.
  6. Turn off the engine and wait a few minutes if there are no leaks.
  7. Check the oil level using a dipstick now.
  8. Add more oil if required.

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