Home Business HOW WE GAIN 800+ new Instagram followers Australia Month.

HOW WE GAIN 800+ new Instagram followers Australia Month.

by Uneeb Khan

There are a lot of individuals out there increasing many new Instagram followers each month, yet how in the world do they do it? We all have an idea there are various systems you can utilize, the most un-accommodating yet most well-known being the follow-unfollow strategy (Regurgitation). Sit back and relax, we won’t be showing you any foul strategies today – no siree!

Today we are rather going to take a look in the background to show you precisely how our Plann IG account has been increasing by more than 800 new Instagram followers each month, reliably.

Sharp as anything to begin? I realize you are!

POSTING Recurrence

As the years have advanced, the Instagram posting recurrence that works the best has changed a ton! Could you at any point recollect the days back in 2015-2016 while posting three times each day made all the difference? I do, and I am so happy I don’t need to plunk down and make that much satisfied any longer. #ContentBurnout

In 2018 we began the year by posting as many as 5 times each week to the network and presenting every day on Instagram Stories. From that point forward we’ve found that the posting recurrence that turns out best for us is 3-4 times each week to the matrix-matched with day-to-day stories.


For the most significant length of time we were posting at around 7 pm AEST (that’s right, we are situated in Australia!) however in the a half year we explored different avenues regarding posting at 3 pm and 1 pm and found that 3 pm is our best posting time by far.

Despite the fact that 3 pm is a flipping extraordinary time for us to post, kindly remember that testing is vital for finding what works for your novel Instagram account. We as a whole have followers from various regions of the planet so timezone certainly has a major effect on what posting times turn out best for you.


While we 100 percent suggest switching around your Instagram hashtags no less than one time per month, through all of our testings we have found that one hashtag gathering specifically really gets our commitment streaming in.

Something is truly remarkable in the realm of Instagram, however, it just so happens that when we utilize this one bunch of hashtags we will for the most part get above 400+ preferences per present looked at on utilizing other hashtags that will put us back down to 275-350 preferences.

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CONTENT Procedure

Our whole satisfied methodology at Plann rotates around presenting content that is significant. Yet, what makes our substance so succulent? The explanation our substance is so fruitful is on the grounds that anything we post to Instagram needs to either be entertaining or instructive. On the off chance that it isn’t both of these things, it doesn’t get posted. In the wake of testing out what content performs best for us on the ‘gram, we found through our Plann application examination that content that is entertaining or absurdly accommodating is our perfect balance for loads of commitment.

Commitment Methodology

Could you accept that I just spend an hour or less on Instagram each day? With the new Instagram action highlights, I realize that it is more similar to 53 minutes to be definite! However, what is genuinely fascinating is what I do in those 53+ minutes out of every day that assists us with accomplishing development like 800+ new Instagram followers each month.

Drawing in WITH OTHERS

Going through hashtags that your ideal Instagram followers are presenting on is a very significant system that is in many cases overlooked. In your best-performing hashtags you are probably going to find individuals who are searching for brands like yours, so get some margin to leave certified sincere remarks and see where they lead you!

BUILDING Powerhouse Connections

Fun reality: I have set up post warnings for large numbers of the powerhouses that we know and cherish who happen to likewise utilize Plann! Why? All things considered, as somebody who is all about rainbows, daylight, and companions supporting companions, I put forth a valiant effort to help the forces to be reckoned with who advance and back us by leaving them remarks on their new posts.

It DM’S Similar to An Ace to Answer

Direct messages on Instagram are a fabulous open door to grandstand the character and humanness behind your image. With the increments of GIFs, voice messages, and video reactions you can truly energize your DM’s and cause your crowd to feel very unique. Finding the opportunity to do this will assist fabricate trust and experience with your crowd, and they’ll be far bound to make a move and back your image over the long haul.

Monitoring NEWSFEED Promotions

Assuming you at any point choose to run an Instagram notice that will be shown in the newsfeed (for example anything that isn’t an accounts promotion!) you better set yourself up for certain remarks. More often than not they are wonderful inquiries, brand advocates labeling their companions… by and large every one of the decent peeps on Instagram! However, there will in some cases be an analyst that has it out for your image and you must answer speedily as sticks to stay away from additional shock. From me to you, watch out for the remarks part of your advertisements!


Brand hashtags are super significant, particularly if you need to expand how much client-produced content (UGC) you have at your disposal prepared to be re-posted! I commit something like 10 minutes per day to go through our hashtag #plannthat to track down satisfaction from our exquisite Plann’rs. It likewise assists with following your image hashtag so you get the top-performing posts straightforwardly in your newsfeed.

Answering Remarks AND Notices

As an Instagram-accommodating brand, we get labeled in Instagram posts a ton! To that end, we should bounce in and leave beautiful remarks for individuals who get some margin to yell us out.

Assuming that you are empowering your crowd to label you in posts, ensure you respond by answering rapidly and communicating you’re much appreciated!

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