Home Business Can a dog have Dragon fruit?

Can a dog have Dragon fruit?

by Uneeb Khan
can dogs eat dragon fruit

Compared to other fruits, can dogs eat dragon fruit? yes dogs love to eat dragon fruit. The red color of this fruit attracts the doggies and they like this fruit because of its sweet and juicy taste and especially due to its red color. Unlike some other fruits, the seeds of the dragon fruit are safe and perfectly okay for your pups. But always remember if your dog has never eaten this fruit then give this fruit in small quantities and slowly feed your pup for the first time. This fruit is safe but some pups are allergic to different eatable items. After feeding for the first time check the reaction of this fruit on the health of your pup.  If your pet got stomach issues after eating this red fruit then avoid giving it the next time and try alternative things.

How to give Dragon fruit to your canine friend?

Before feeding this fruit to your dog, first, peel off the outer and extra skin. Then cut this fruit into small pieces and only give the inner juicy and sweet part of this yummy fruit to your dog. For the first time, give it slowly and in small quantities to your canine friend. 

Which part of the dragon fruit is safe for feeding your pet dogs? 

The flesh of this fruit is safe for dogs but the outer skin is unsafe for dogs because of choking hazards. The flesh of all types of dragon fruit such as yellow, pink, and red all are safe for your doggie. Seeds present in the flesh are best for feeding your dog.

What are the benefits of your canine friend has dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit is the best fruit for feeding your dog because it is rich in vitamins, fatty acids, and beta-carotene. This fruit is best served for your dog because it contains a high amount of vitamin C which is best for boosting the immune system and also improving intellectual function. 

This fruit also contains fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids which are beneficial for your doggie’s coat. 

On the other hand, beta-carotene is also best because it strengthens the eyes of the pups and it is present in high quantity in purple dragon fruit and vitamin C in yellow dragon fruit.

Can dogs eat Tilapia?

Instead of giving large fish with long lifespans to your dog, feed tilapia to your dog. If you want to fulfill protein requirements then add one medium size fish to your dog’s food. Some people think that tilapia is safe for dogs in every condition whether it is cleaned or not or in cooked or uncooked form. But they are wrong because tilapia is safe for your pup for meeting their protein requirement only when it is cleaned and cooked properly. 

Final verdict:

Sometimes people get confused after thinking questions such as can dogs eat dragon fruit and pitaya because they don’t know that these are the same fruits. Always remember before feeding this food to your canine friend that only the flesh of this food is safe and skin is not safe for your pup. If you are thinking the same question can dogs eat tilapia like other people then the answer is yes it is safe before giving this fish to your dog in cleaned and cooked form and before feeding cut it into small pieces. 

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