Home Health & Fitness 5 Reasons To Include Magnesium In Your Daily Diet 

5 Reasons To Include Magnesium In Your Daily Diet 

by Uneeb Khan

Magnesium is essential for the body and is vital for countless bodily functions. Experts believe it influences everything from strong bones and teeth to optimal muscular health and function. Magnesium is predominantly present in the body’s tissues and skeleton, and deficiencies can affect various body functions. 

Interestingly, most people might not get enough magnesium from their meals. You can consume magnesium in sufficient amounts from the diet because it is abundant in many foods. Nevertheless, some health-conscious people also use magnesium supplements to make sure they satisfy their body’s requirements because of the inadequacy risks. 

Egg and veggies in Daily Diet 

The Fundamentals of Magnesium 

Magnesium mineral is crucial for all of your biological processes. However, what exactly does magnesium do? Magnesium is vital for generating energy. Additionally, it is essential for the enzymatic processes that power your brain and heart. 

Magnesium supports many biochemical reactions or bodily functions like protein, DNA and bone production, regulating blood pressure, glucose levels, and nerve and muscle functionality. Given its wide range of health benefits, it should not be surprising that magnesium can mitigate illness. Some of the best magnesium foods include 

  • Whole grain 
  • Avocados 
  • Seeds 
  • Leafy greens 
  • Legumes 
  • Bananas 
  • Nuts 

Let’s look at some of the health benefits of including magnesium in your daily diet. 

1. Bone Health 

Green Vegetables

Although calcium is perhaps the most prevalent element in the human body, magnesium is just as important for developing bones and teeth. It’s crucial for absorbing and processing calcium from food and synthesizing vitamin D to its active form. Thus, it is essential for maintaining healthy bones. 

Recently, studies on the dangers of osteoporosis have grown more prominent. The skeleton is constantly regenerating, and bone density might decrease as this activity becomes less efficient with aging. 

Research examining the connection between magnesium intake and bone density discovered that higher magnesium consumption resulted in less bone decline among the elderly. Interestingly, a different study with younger participants found very similar outcomes and opined that magnesium intake might have therapeutic effects in decreasing bone loss. Therefore, if you want healthy bones, ensure you receive sufficient magnesium. 

2. Mitigates Muscle Cramps 

This is the most popular health benefit of magnesium worth highlighting. If you’re experiencing soreness and fatigue while weightlifting, receiving your recommended daily amount of magnesium may assist relieve your pain. During a workout, your brain signals calcium release from an internal structure in your muscles, which stimulates the muscle tissues to contract and shorten, leading to pain and aches. 

Magnesium balances the calcium, enabling your muscle tissues to relax before the subsequent contraction. Therefore, cramps become less frequent with more magnesium to counteract calcium accumulation. Additionally, while indulging in a strenuous exercise routine can result in physical pain, other muscular spasms—like those resulting from the uterus during menses, might be relieved using magnesium. 

3. Cardiovascular Health 

A nutritious bowl of veggies for good health

Magnesium is essential for the body to keep its muscles, especially the heart, healthy. According to research, this mineral is vital for cardiovascular health. 

A 2018 research found that an individual’s risk of developing cardiovascular complications can rise if they are magnesium deficient. This is primarily because of its cellular functions. According to experts, congestive cardiac failure patients frequently have low magnesium levels, which can exacerbate their medical results. 

Patients who take magnesium following a cardiac arrest have a decreased mortality risk. Physicians occasionally use magnesium to mitigate congestive heart failure and lower arrhythmia risks or irregular cardiac rhythm. 

A meta-analysis discovered that upping one’s magnesium consumption could reduce heart attack risk. According to the findings, every 100 mg boost in magnesium daily decreased the stroke risk by 2%. Another study also affirms that magnesium could also mitigate high blood pressure. However, judging by recent studies using magnesium supplements decreases blood pressure “by a minor fraction.” 

4. Alleviates Migraines 

Magnesium treatment can help mitigate or alleviate headaches. This occurs because insufficient magnesium can impact transmitters and vascular constriction, two factors physicians connect to migraine. Those who suffer from headaches may have reduced magnesium levels in their bloodstream and bodily tissues compared to others.  

According to a comprehensive review, magnesium treatment could effectively reduce migraine incidence. It shows that ingesting magnesium citrate seems to be a secure and reliable preventative measure. In addition, the American Migraine Foundation discovered that patients widely use 400–500 mg daily to avert migraines. 

5. Sleep and Maintaining Energy Levels 

Magnesium rich meal

Magnesium is a well-known relaxation element that assists in soothing muscle tissues and nerves and modulates the generation of the melatonin hormone, which promotes sleep. Nervousness spurred by insufficient magnesium intake can cause sleeping difficulties. Some individuals discover that consuming a magnesium supplement or taking a shower with Epsom salts, which are rich in magnesium, assists them for them to fall asleep

Besides, magnesium is crucial for maintaining a balanced, healthy metabolism, which involves the digestion of food. This biological function produces the needed energy to satisfy our daily lives needs. The body needs adequate magnesium since it plays a part in the production and utilization of enzymes. 

Should I Use Supplements? 

You can buy magnesium supplements online; however, getting any vitamin or element through meals is preferable since nutrients function optimally when combined with others. Many elements, phytonutrients, and vitamins complement each other. Therefore, consuming them together has greater health advantages than using them separately.  

Concentrate on eating a balanced diet to achieve daily magnesium needs, with supplements acting as a backup; however, do this under a doctor’s supervision. 


Magnesium is crucial for several bodily functions, including the development of the muscles, nerves, bones, and mood. Therefore, ensure you incorporate sufficient magnesium in your diet to receive all the benefits. 

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