Home Business 5 Tips on How to Keep Your Home Pest-free in Australia

5 Tips on How to Keep Your Home Pest-free in Australia

by Uneeb Khan

Keeping your home free from pests isn’t always easy. Pests such as rats, mice, and cockroaches can quickly become a problem if you don’t take the right steps to prevent them from setting up camp in your home. Even worse, rodent or cockroach infestations can spread to other parts of your home very quickly if left untreated. We’ll take you through 5 quick tips on how to keep your home pest-free. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can do to prevent pests from invading your home and making it their new permanent residence. Prevention is always the best way to go when it comes to staying pest-free all year round. Read on for our top 5 tips on how to keep your home pest-free…

Be careful what you throw out

Before you throw out your old furniture or bedding, think about how pests are likely to react to the items. Certain fabrics such as linen and cotton may be ideal habitats for moths and other pests, while others such as polyester may be less attractive to pests. It’s always best to keep fabrics in good condition, which will help to prevent pests from reaching your home. Certain fabrics such as wool and fur can also be attractive to rodents, so it may be worth being careful with these fabrics too. Likewise, when storing items in the attic or shed, make sure to keep them clean and free from pests as they may be able to jump into your home from there. If you have an attic or shed, make sure you regularly clean it out to keep it free from pests.

Seal up your home

Any gaps or holes in your property can allow pests to gain entry into your home. Once inside, these pests may be able to quickly make their way to other parts of your home via accessible pipes and wiring. It’s important to regularly check for any holes or gaps in your property that may be allowing pests inside. If you find a gap, consider repairing it to prevent your home from being infested with pesky pests. Consider sealing up your home with caulk, mesh, or other plug-ins to seal up any holes in your walls and floorboards. You may even want to hire a professional pest controller to inspect your home to see if there are any areas that need a more heavy-duty fix.

Use proven pest control methods

Because pests can become such a large problem so quickly, many homeowners turn to pest control Sydney products to keep them under control. Unfortunately, many of these pesticides are harmful to both humans and the environment. Make sure to read the ingredients carefully to see if the product is safe for your family and the environment. Always follow the instructions on the packaging carefully to avoid poisoning yourself or your family. You’ll also want to keep any pesticides away from any food and drink. For example, if you use sprays, make sure you follow the instructions carefully and make sure the area is well-ventilated.

Use natural pest repellents

Many pests make their way into your home because they smell food that you’ve left out. It’s important to make an effort to store food properly to prevent pests from getting to it. You can also use natural pest repellents to help keep pests away from your food. For example, you can spread coffee grounds around your kitchen and patio areas to keep rats and mice at bay. Similarly, you can leave citrus peel near your fruit and vegetables to keep ants away. If you have a garden, try planting basil or mint as these are known to repel mosquitos and other pests. You can even make a natural insect repellent at home using a few ingredients.

Don’t forget to ventilate

Many pests, such as rodents and cockroaches, are likely to head straight for your kitchen if they smell any food. It’s important to make sure that you are storing your food safely at all times. It also helps to ensure that your kitchen is well-ventilated to prevent pests from nesting in your cabinets and drawers. Try to keep pests out of your kitchen by storing your food in sealed containers and in the correct places. Clean your kitchen regularly to help reduce the risk of pests setting up camp there. You may also want to consider sealing off any areas that aren’t regularly used to further prevent pests from taking up residence.


Keeping your home pest-free isn’t always easy. Pests such as rats, mice, and cockroaches can quickly become a problem if you don’t take the right steps to prevent them from setting up camp in your home. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can do to prevent pests from invading your home and making it their new permanent residence. Before you throw out old furniture or bedding, consider how pests may react to the items. It’s also important to seal up any gaps or holes in your property to prevent pests from getting inside your home.

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