Home Health & Fitness 12 Dumbell Exercises for a Full-Body Workout

12 Dumbell Exercises for a Full-Body Workout

by Uneeb Khan
Dumbell Exercises

You may be surprised to know that you don’t need a gym full of exercise equipment in order to give you a full-body workout. In fact, all your need is a set of dumbbells and perhaps an incline bench to develop every part of your body to build strength and get the shape that you want.     

Here, we will take a look at 12 dumbbell workouts for every part of your body playfh.

Remember, you will want to concentrate on one part of your body each day in order to give the  rest of your body time to recover. Here, we have divided all 20 exercises into five distinct parts – chest, back, arms, legs, and abs.


When it comes to a chest dumbbell workout, you want to make sure that you use a combination of exercises that will target specific areas such as the upper, mid and lower chest. These four     exercises will allow you to cover all of these areas.

1). Chest Press

With your standard dumbbell press, you will want to use a bench. The bench should be level       which will allow you ample support to handle the weight of both you and your dumbbells. For       this exercise, you will lie flat on your back and hold both dumbbells at your chest level. Then you will lift each dumbbell up – at the same time – fully extending your arms. From there, you will        return the dumbbells back to your chest.

If you are just starting out, try to do four reps at a time and then rest. As you feel more confident in your chest press, you can go ahead and try to get more reps completed playfh login.

2). Flat Dumbbell Fly

With the flat dumbbell fly, you will be lying on your back on your workout bench. The bench         should be level during this exercise. Unlike the chest press, you will be holding each dumbbell    up while your arms are extended outward. From there, lift both dumbbells up until both arms are completely extended. From there, you will want to return your arms back to their original              position. Try to do about four reps and see if you can increase after each set.

3). Incline Dumbbell Press

With the incline dumbbell press, you will be doing the same exercises as the dumbbell press.      However, you will incline the bench so that the upper part of your body is higher than the lower    part. The mission here is to work out your upper chest. With this workout, hold the dumbbells at  the upper part of your chest and then lift them up until your arms are completely extended. From there, return your arms back to their original position.

You may find the incline press to be a little easier than the conventional chest press. So you may want to do a couple of more reps here.

4). Dumbbell Pullover

With the dumbbell pull-over, you will be resting your upper back on the middle of the bench and holding your lower body up with your legs. Take one dumbbell and hold it with body hands over your chest. Now you will want to slowly move your arms and the dumbbell back behind your      head and then return your hands and arms back to the original position.

This exercise will help develop your mid-chest. It is important that you execute this exercise      slowly so you don’t risk straining or stretching your arms. Try to do four reps of these exercises and build from there.


We all want to get big, defined arms. The good news is that dumbbells do a great job of      developing your biceps and your triceps with the right exercises. If you don’t have a barbell available, then these dumbbell exercises are sure to get the job done.

5). Bicep curls

This is the classic exercise that just about everyone does when they first pick up a dumbbell.     The good news is that you can easily integrate these into your arm day dumbbell workout. With this exercise, you will start in the standing position holding each dumbbell placed at your sides.  From there, you will lift both dumbbells up toward your shoulders and then return the dumbbells to their original position real-debrid/device.

As a variation of this exercise, you can use one arm at a time per set. You can also consider  alternative each arm in the same set. To get the best results, consider lifting and lowering the dumbbell slowly to better activate your biceps and get a nice burn.

6). Shoulder Press

With this exercise, you will start in the standing position. Hold each barbell with your arms out     and your hands up. Your arms should be shaped in a “U” shape. From there, lift both barbells up over your head. Then return the barbell back to the starting position. This exercise will not only    help define your bicep, it will also assist in building up your shoulders. When starting out with a   shoulder press, you may want to consider smaller dumbbells than what you will use for your        bicep curls.

7). Front Raise

For the front raise, you will start in the standing position while holding a barbell in each hand much like the bicep curl exercise. However, you will be lifting each barbell up in front of your body, extending your arms. Hold the barbells up in front of your body for about one second   before returning your arms to their original position.

You are going to notice right away that the front raise is going to be a little harder than the bicep curl. However, this dumbbell will be ideal for giving yourself stronger arms and it can help you     really power up your grip.

8). Tricep Extension

Finally, you want to make sure that your triceps get some attention. Now, your triceps are             located on the opposite sites of your biceps. Therefore, with this dumbbell exercise, you will be    moving the dumbbell behind your body. Start in the standing position while slightly bent over and holding a dumbbell in each hand. Now you will extend both of your hands behind your body         trying to bring your arms parallel with the ground.

Now you may need to start off with small dumbbells with a tricep extension. Make sure the dumbbell weight you choose is easy enough for your to lift behind your body. Over time, you can work up to a higher dumbbell weight.


A strong back is going to be really important for overall strength. While most people don’t         associate dumbbells with back strength, there are certainly a number of exercises available to help give you that strongly defined back that you are looking for.

9). Bent Over Rows

With the bent-over row exercise, you will need to use your workout bench. Start off with placing  your left hand and your left knee on the bench while holding a dumbbell in your right hand. Your right hand should be completely extended downward. Now lift the dumbbell up towards your      side and then return your arm back to the starting position. Try to do eight reps before

alternating with the other arm. Remember, when you lift with your left arm, your right knee and your right hand should be on the workout bench for support.

10). Incline Bench Rows

For this exercise, you will lift up your workout bench to its highest incline position. Now lie on   your stomach onto the inclined bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Both of your arms should be extended downward anime pfp. Now lift up both hands – at the same time – up towards the bench. Try to do eight reps per set.

The incline bench rows should be easy for you to do even if you are just starting out. So you    may want to consider trying as many reps as you can with this exercise. This will help develop your back strength to attempt more advanced exercises.

11). Low to High Rows

With this exercise, you will start in the standing position with your upper body bent over. You will hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended downward. From there, you will lift up     your hands up towards your chest and then return to the starting position. Try to attempt four      reps per set and build from there.

12). Alternating Rows

The alternating rows exercise is almost identical to the low to high rows exercise. The major      difference here is that you will be lifting one arm at a time. Remember to stand in the standing   position with your upper body bent over. From there hold a dumbbell in each hand with your      arms extended from the floor. Now lift up your right arm to your chest and return it to its original position. Now lift up your left arm towards your chest and return it to its original position.            Alternate between both arms for four reps on your starting sets.


Alright, so no one likes “leg day.” Well, if you want a strong body, then you have to make sure that your legs get a good workout, too. Below, we have four simple leg exercises that you can use with your dumbbells.

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