Home Games Xresolver: A database/website to store information of gamers’ IP

Xresolver: A database/website to store information of gamers’ IP

by Businesszag

Everybody loves gaming. Different kinds of games just help to refresh minds and make you feel better. But what if it’s turned into anxiety?  Do you feel not better to lose any game? Losing a game makes you unhappy but that’s not a good game is a game we should take as a refreshment not take it seriously to hurt any ego.

What is xresolver?

Xresolver is actually a database or a website that stores information on all gamers’ IPs and also their connections with other gamers, their tags, and their gaming profiles.

All this information is publically available to all. It doesn’t look like an illegal matter. If somebody wants to know that which IP is matching with a specific profile, may don’t have good intentions. Most likely,  it doesn’t matter to your game fellows what is your IP?

How does xresolver matter to gamers?

But if they don’t care about it then who cares? The question is the one and only the hacker. He may want to hurt you the way he wants. Xresolver gives them, the required information about your IP address to your physical address and they start targeting you in different ways. It could be DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks or maybe others.

Some kind of loser who lost a game with you badly and has a savior lost, may get all the required information and then start hurting you by slowing down your internet connection.

Who provides IP to Xresolver?

Xresolver does not take all this information but the question is who does? do you hear about OctoSnif?

It runs in the gamer’s background during the time of the gaming session and collects all data, and this is the actual data of gamers and their IPs. Octosniff allows the hackers to pick up the IPs.

Xrsolver allows everybody from any whare to take this information and do whatever they want to do with it.

What happened if you are enlisted in xresolver?

  Put the regarding Gamertag or PSN ID and check whether it is in the list or not? And check whether xresolver has this information about the account or not. That’s not good that you are enlisted in xresolver. If you are on the list it means you were playing with some kind of dirty mind guy.  They lost from you, they got the data and they put it on xresolver.

How can I remove my data on xresolver?

If your information is stolen during the game, you can remove this information if you got their premium service, but not sure that they will remove the information by buying their premium services. But here is the safe and secure way to remove information, which is simply to change your IP address and let them find out you again.

Changing the IP address is very simple just off your router and then on it. In this way, while you turned off for a few minutes your IP will change. It could be a little bit difficult for public IP addresses. Or here is the other way you should connect to a VPN for IP changing it will help you to hide your own IP, others will see only the server’s VPN, not your IP address. Or use some kind of IPlogger for changing IP address.

Final thoughts

I hope this will help you a lot for keeping you safe from dirty minds. May this article helps you to eliminate some extra stress and you will get some relief. Using the games as a fun game should be a just game. Thanks.

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