Home Business How to Create an Ebook With Microsoft Word

How to Create an Ebook With Microsoft Word

by Uneeb Khan
ebook writing services

If you’re like me, then you’ve always wanted to be able to write your own book. But if you don’t have any previous experience with writing and publishing, it can feel like a daunting task. Luckily for us all, however, Microsoft Word makes it easy! Here’s how I created my first ebook from start to finish:

You might be surprised at how simple it is to create an ebook with Microsoft Word.

You might be surprised at how simple it is to create an ebook with Microsoft Word. This software has many features that can help you create your book in just a few minutes, so don’t hesitate to download it and start working!

You’re going to learn how to create an ebook in Microsoft Word with the help of the ebook writing services agency.

You’ll learn the basics of creating a book: you’ll want a title and subtitle, as well as an introduction, body text, and back matter (for example, end notes). You can also add images or graphics if you want them.

And then there are all sorts of other things that need to be put into place like formatting your pages correctly and making sure it looks nice when printed out on paper or downloaded onto computers screen size wise this is called “publishing.”

because this means that someone else has created their own version of what you wrote instead of just typing everything out by hand (like we did when we started out).

Convert Your Ebook to PDF and Other Formats

Once ebook writing services created your ebook, it’s time to convert it into PDF and other formats. There are several ways you can do this:

  • Convert your ebook to PDF with the free Adobe Acrobat software. This is a popular way of creating eBooks because it allows users to read them on any device without having to download extra software or plugins like Microsoft Office programs require.
  • You’ll need access to an internet connection as well as Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (or earlier versions).
  • Convert your ebook into EPUB format using OpenOffice’s Calibre tool (which runs on Windows or Linux).
  • The benefit here is that you don’t need any special software installed on the computer where you plan on reading it just open up Calibre after downloading one of its many desktop apps for Linux/Windows/MacOSX machines.
  • Convert MOBI files directly from WordPad into Mobipocket Books via calibre by dragging-and-dropping a MOBI file onto both steps above; then select convert; wait until conversion finishes before moving on.

Plan Your Book Content

When ebook writing services planning your ebook, it’s important to take into account the content that you’ll want to include. For example, if your book is about how to make bread and butter pudding, then there will probably be a lot of recipes in it that aren’t necessarily related directly to each other.

You might want some introductory material on why cooking is important (or even how cooking works). Or maybe there are tips on how best to use certain ingredients in various recipes and those tips could also be helpful for people who aren’t familiar with those particular ingredients!

Another thing to think about when planning out your book’s content is its structure: How many chapters should there be? How long should each chapter be?

Where should they fit within the overall structure of your story line?

You can use these questions as jumping-off points for brainstorming ideas about what topics might work best for each part of your book; then when brainstorming comes time again later on down this road…

Create a Rough Table of Contents and Outline

The next step is to create a rough table of contents and outline.

The first thing you should do is create a table of contents and outline for your book. This will help you plan out what each chapter will cover, as well as how many pages there are in each chapter.

Next, use headings to organize the content within each chapter:

  • Use bullet points at the top or bottom of each page (if needed) to indicate subheadings within that section or topic; this helps readers find specific information quickly by scanning through their own copy while reading along with them!

Write the First Draft of Every Chapter in a Single Microsoft Word Document

Ebook writing services create a single Microsoft Word document for each chapter in your ebook, follow these steps:

  • Write the first draft of each chapter in a single Microsoft Word document.
  • Use different fonts for each chapter (for example, use Times New Roman for Chapter 1 and Comic Sans for Chapter 2).
  • Use different colors for each chapter (for example, use blue ink on white paper).
  • Set up your margins differently depending on what kind of content you’re writing about if it’s more technical information with lots of graphs and equations, use large margins all around.
  • if it’s fiction or nonfiction story-telling with lots of dialogue between characters and descriptions of scenery through adjectives such as “breathtaking” or “stunning,” keep page numbers at minimum so people can easily find their place within the book without having to count lines from top left corner down past bottom-right corner again every time they want to refer back something earlier written in that particular section.”

Edit and Proofread Each Chapter in Its Own Microsoft Word Document

Editing and proofreading are essential to creating an effective e-book. You should edit your document as you go, looking for typos and other errors. This can be done in Microsoft Word by clicking on the “Review” tab at the top of your document, then choosing “Edit” from the dropdown menu that appears.

Once you’ve edited your document, it’s time to proofread it again! Proofreading involves reading through it carefully with a magnifying glass (or whatever tool is most convenient), checking over each sentence individually to make sure there aren’t any obvious mistakes or typos. For example:

  • Spell checker – A spellchecker will tell you if one of your words is misspelled or incorrect punctuation; if so, fix them before publishing!
  • Grammar checker – Grammar checkers will tell you if something sounds awkward or awkward phrasing may cause confusion for readers when reading through chapters later down the line; fix those things now before submitting anything else!”

Create Front and Back Matter for Your Book in Microsoft Word Documents

Front matter consists of your book’s title, subtitle and author information. Back matter is any other content that comes before the front matter and after the back matter. It can be any format, so feel free to experiment with different types of pages!

In Word 2007 or later you can use styles to create headers for both front and back matter. You’ll find them under “Styles” in Word’s menu bar:

  • Styles > Document Properties > Styles Tab > Heading 1 Style Set
  • Styles > Document Properties > Styles Tab > Heading 2 Style Set

With the help of this article, you’ll be able to self-publish your book in no time.

With the help of this article, you’ll be able to self-publish your book in no time. You can create an ebook with Microsoft Word and publish it on platforms like Amazon, Kobo and Google Play.

Here’s how:


We hope that this article has been helpful to you. We know how stressful it can be to publish your own book, so we want to make the process as easy as possible. With our advice, you’ll be able to self-publish your book in no time.

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